

CULTURE strand

Initiatives promoting and enhancing artistic and cultural cooperation at European level

MEDIA strand

Actions encouraging the competitiveness, innovation and sustainability of the European audiovisual sector


Initiatives promoting innovative actions and collaborations across the audiovisual and cultural sectors

The Creative Europe programme is open to cultural and creative organisations from EU Member States, as well as non-EU countries. Subject to certain conditions, countries of the European Economic Area, candidate/potential candidate countries and European Neighbourhood Policy countries can also participate in the programme.

Find more information about eligible countries, as well as in the guidelines of each specific call for proposals

More detailed information on the application process and Call of proposals will be available in due time on the website of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, as well as in the calls for proposal section. Applicants can also be supported by the Creative Europe Desks.

 In order to increase the visibility of Europe’s culture and audiovisual sectors, the European Commission supports a variety of actions, initiatives, and prizes. These are designed to reward achievement, highlight excellence, and raise awareness of Europe’s culture and heritage:

  • European Prize for Popular and Contemporary Music: An EU initiative designed to support emerging talent and promote and celebrate the richness of the European repertoire.  Find out more
  • European Heritage Label: The label is given to sites selected for their symbolic value, the role they have played in European history.  Find out more
  • European Capitals of Culture: An initiative putting culture at the heart of European cities with EU support for yearlong festivals of art and culture. Find out more
  • European Heritage Days: A locally-led initiative which provides access to thousands of rarely opened sites and unique events to over 20 million people every year.  Find out more
  • European Union Prize for Literature: The European Union Prize for Literature is an annual initiative to recognise the best emerging authors in Europe.  Find out more
  • European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage (Europa Nostra): Rewarding success and excellence in the field of cultural heritage.  Find out more
  • European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture (Mies van der Rohe Award): The EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture – the Mies van der Rohe Award – has been awarded since 2001 to celebrate excellence in architectural works built across Europe. The award also highlights the contribution of quality architecture to sustainable development and citizens’ well-being. Find out more
  • European Audience Film Award (short title: LUX Audience Award): organised by the European Parliament and the European Film Academy, demonstrates the European Parliament’s commitment to culture. The initiative promotes cultural diversity and provides tangible support to European cinema and the arts.  Find out more
  • EUmies Awards Young Talent: The EUmies Awards Young Talent was created in 2016 to highlight outstanding diploma projects of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture students from all over Europe and selected third countries. It is granted every even year.  Find out more

See more at the European Commission website

The information provided in the “Creative Europe” section was extracted from the Creative Europe Programme website.
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