CERV Cyprus National Contact Point

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)

CERV National Contact Points: your gateway to the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme

Since the programme’s start in 2021, Cypriot organisations have actively participated in the “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)” 2021 -2027 programme implementing actions in the areas covered by the programme promoting the EU values and contributing to the development of open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies.

More specifically, in the period 2021-2022:

  • 296 proposals from Cyprus were submitted to the CERV programme;
  • 59 proposals, in which Cypriot organisations participated, were selected for funding;
  • €2,3 million were given to Cypriot organisations.

In total, for the period 2021-2024:

  • 141 Cypriot organisations participated in CERV funded projects
  • €7.3 million were given to Cypriot organisations
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Established so far in 23 countries

The CERV National Contact Points are your gateway to the EU Programme “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)”. CERV National Contact Points’ role is to support applicants, and beneficiaries, in particular civil society organisations, offering information and guidance, with respect to all aspects of the CERV programme, while attracting new potential applicants, including at local level, in countries with low participation and facilitating the participation of the programme’s stakeholders.

The provided services include:

  • Free, practical information and impartial guidance on how to access funding opportunities under the CERV programme & regular updates on issues related to the different strands of the programme
  • Networking support facilitating the contact between relevant stakeholders in different countries and proving partner search opportunities & enhancement of stakeholders’ cooperation

For information or guidance on the CERV programme, you may contact the CERV Cyprus National Contact Point:

Organisation for European Programmes & Cultural Relations (OEPCR), 27 Ifigeneias, Acropolis, 2007 Nicosia, +35722809806, info@epcr.org.cy

OEPCR website: https://en.epcr.org.cy/

OEPCR Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EU.prog.cult.rel.cy

CERV Cyprus National Contact Point Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cervcyprus

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At work, in your home or country, the CERV National Contact Point brings the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme to you through:

  • Targeted info days, capacity building and training workshops & seminars
  • Informative websites and social media channels with all the latest news and updates

CERV National Contact Points can help you develop your project, prepare your funding application and build international partnerships.

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