Table of Contents
The purpose of the Cross-sectoral strand is to reinforce collaboration between different cultural and creative sectors (CCS) in order to help them address the common challenges they face and find innovative solutions. Its main priorities are:
- to support cross sectoral transnational policy cooperation, promoting the visibility of the programme and support the transferability of results;
- to encourage innovative approaches to content creation, access, distribution, and promotion across CCS and with other sectors;
- to support adjustments to the structural and technological changes faced by the news media;
- to support the establishment and activities of the Creative Europe Desks.
This is achieved for instance through policy cooperation, the services provided by the Creative Europe Desks, and the Creative Innovation Lab. Creative Europe also offers funding to the news media sector.
For further information, see European Commission Culture & Creativity website. More detailed information on the application process and Call of proposals is available on the Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal (FTOP).
Creative Europe offers funding to the news media sector in order to promote media literacy, pluralism and media freedom, as well as activities to help the sector adjust to the structural and technological changes it faces.
For further information, see:
- European Commission Culture & Creativity website. More detailed information on the application process and Call of proposals is available on the Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal (FTOP).
- EU funding opportunities for NEWS media organisations in the News Initiative factsheet and European Commission website.
View more here.
Through the Creative Innovation Lab action, Creative Europe wants to encourage innovative approaches to content creation, access, distribution, and promotion across the cultural and creative sectors, as well as with other sectors. Such approaches shall take the digital transition into account and cover both market and non-market dimensions.
The Creative Innovation Lab aims to:
- incentivise players from different cultural and creative sectors to design and test innovative digital solutions with long-term positive impact;
- ease creation of innovative, close-to-market tools, models and methods for the audiovisual sector and at least another creative or cultural sector.
For further information, see European Commission Culture & Creativity website. More detailed information on the application process and Call of proposals is available on the Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal (FTOP).
View more here.