The Day of European Authors, to be celebrated on 25th of March 2024 is an initiative from 2023 by the former European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and supported by the Creative Europe Programme. The tour of European writers and translators to schools is co-organised by the European Commission, the EWC and its member organisations, together with the consortium of the EUPL (European Union Prize for Literature), to reconnect younger generations with reading and to help them discover the diversity of European literature.
Day of European Authors | Activities
The Day of European Authors‘ aim is to reconnect younger generations with book reading and to help them discover the diversity of European literature. The first edition of the Day of European Authors took place on 27 March 2023. All activities on the occasion of the Day of European Authors will be always tagged with the hashtag #ReadWithEurope and will be presented in our Social Media activities on our channels on EWC on Instagram and EWC on Facebook and Creative Europe on Instagram :
- Reading sessions in schools:
Schools across and other cultural premises in 40 Creative Europe countries are invited through educational networks and other channels to organise reading aloud sessions with European authors.
- 25 of March 2024 – Tour of European Authors: The European Commission organises a tour of European authors together with the EWC and the EUPL Consortium. 120 writers and translators will visit schools, libraries and bookstores, read extracts from their books, and encourage students to discover European authors. The EWC presents here 120 colleagues who take part in this edition to celebrate the variety of European literature.
- 25th & 26th March: A conference on reading promotion in Belgium In the framework of the Day of European Authors, the European Commission is organising a two-day conference on reading promotion, gathering Member States’ representatives of the ministries of Culture and Education, relevant public institutions and national NGOs active in this field as well as organisations representing the book and cultural sectors coming from 40 Creative Europe countries. The EWC President Miguel Ángel Serrano and EWC Secretary-General Nicole Pfister Fetz will be actively involved in the conference and the workshops.
For more information please click here.